I Will Pray with the Spirit By J O H N.B U N Y A N. WRITTEN IN PRISON, 1662. PUBLISHED, 1663. |
shall conclude this discourse with this word of advice to all
God's people. 1. Believe that as sure as you are in the way of God you must meet
with temptations. 2. The first day therefore that thou dost enter into Christ's congregation,
look for them. 3. When they do come, beg of God to carry thee through them. 4. Be
jealous of thine own heart, that it deceive thee not in thy evidences for heaven,
nor in thy walking with God in this world. 5. Take heed of the flatteries of false
brethren. 6. Keep in the life and power of truth. 7. Look most at the things which
are not seen. 8. Take heed of little sins. 9. Keep the promise warm upon thy heart.
10. Renew thy acts of faith in the blood of Christ. 11. Consider the work of thy
generation. 12. Count to run with the foremost therein.