T H E First Preached at Pinners Hall and now Enlarged and Published for Good. By J O H N.B U N Y A N. L O N D O N, Printed for Benjamin Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultry, 1682. Faithfully reprinted from the Author's First Edition. Written six years before John Bunyan's death. |
OURTH, And now I am come to the fourth thing, that is, to show
you the cause of the loss of the soul. That men have souls, that souls are great
things, that souls may be lost, this I have showed you already; wherefore I now proceed
to show you the cause of this loss. The cause is laid down in the 18th chapter of
Ezekiel, in these words Behold, all souls, says God, are Mine; as the soul of the
father, so also the soul of the son is Mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die
[Sin the cause of the loss of his soul .]
First, It is sin, then, or sinning against God, that is the cause of dying, or damning
in hell fire, for that must be meant by dying; otherwise, to die, according to our
ordinary acceptation of the notion, the soul is not capable of, it being indeed immortal,
as hath been afore asserted. So, then, the soul that sinneth, that is, and persevering
in the same that soul shall die, be cast away, or damned; yea, to ascertain us of
the undoubted truth of this, the Holy Ghost doth repeat it again, and that in this
very chapter, saying, The soul that sinneth, it shall die (5:20). Now, the soul may
divers ways be said to sin against God; as,
1. In it's receiving of sin into it's bosom, and in it's retaining and entertaining
of it there. Sin must first be received before it can act in, or be acted by, the
soul. Our first parents first received it in the suggestion or motion, and then acted
it. Now it is not here to be disputed when sin was received by the soul, so much
as whether ever the soul received sin; for if the soul has indeed received sin into
itself, then it has sinned, and by doing so, has made itself an object of the wrath
of God, and a fire brand of hell. I say, I will not here dispute when sin was received
by the soul, but it is apparent enough that it received it betimes, because in old
time every child that was brought unto the Lord was to be redeemed, and that at a
month old, (Exo 13:13; 34:20; Num 18:15, 16); which, to be sure, was very early,
and implied that then, even then, the soul in God's judgment stood before Him as
defiled and polluted with sin. But although I said I will not dispute at what time
the soul may be said to receive sin, yet it is evident that it was precedent to the
redemption made mention of just before, and so before the person redeemed had attained
the age of a month. And that God might, in the language of Moses, give us to see
cause of the necessity of this redemption, he first distinguisheth, and saith, The
firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, did
not need this redemption, for they were clean, or holy. But the firstborn of men,
who was taken in lieu of the rest of the children, and the firstling of unclean beasts,
thou shalt surely redeem, saith He. But why was the firstborn of men coupled with
unclean beasts, but because they are both unclean? The beast was unclean by God's
ordination, but the other was unclean by sin. Now, then, it will be demanded, how
a soul, before it was a month old, could receive sin to the making of itself unclean?
I answer, There are two ways of receiving, one active, the other passive; this last
is the way by which the soul at first receiveth sin, and by so receiving, becometh
culpable, because polluted and defiled by it. And this passive way of receiving is
often mentioned in Scripture. Thus the pans received the ashes, (Exo 27:3); thus
the molten sea received three thousand baths, (2 Chron 4:5); thus the ground receiveth
the seed, (Matt 13:20-23);
and this receiving is like that of the wool which receiveth the dye, either black,
white, or red; and as the fire that receiveth the water till it be all quenched therewith:
or as the water receiveth such stinking and poisonous matter into it, as for the
sake of it, it is poured out and spilt upon the ground. But whence should the soul
thus receive sin? I answer, from the body, while it is in the mothers belly; the
body comes from polluted man, and therefore is polluted (Psa 51: 5). Who can bring
a clean thing out of an unclean? (Job 14:4). The soul comes from God's hand, and
therefore as so is pure and clean: but being put into this body, it is tainted, polluted,
and defiled with the taint, stench, and filth of sin; nor can this stench and filth
be by man purged out, when once from the body got into the soul; sooner may the black
amoor change his skin, or the leopard his spots, than the soul, were it willing,
might purge itself of this pollution. Though thou wash thee with nitre, and take
thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before Me, saith the Lord God (Jer 2:22).
2. But as I said, the soul has not only received sin, but retains it, holds it, and
shows no kind of resistance. It is enough that the soul is polluted and defiled,
for that is sufficient to provoke God to cast it away; for which of you would take
a cloth annoyed with stinking, ulcerous sores, to wipe your mouth withal, or to thrust
it into your bosoms? and the soul is polluted with far worse pollution than any such
can be. But this is not all; it retains sin as the wool retains the dye, or as the
infected water receives the stench or poisonous scent; I say, it retains it willingly;
for all the power of the soul is not only captivated by a seizure of sin upon the
soul, but it willingly, heartily, unanimously, universally falleth in with the natural
filth and pollution that is in sin, to the estranging of itself from God, and an
obtaining of an intimacy and compliance with the devil.
Now this being the state and condition of the soul from the belly,[20] yea, from before it
sees the light of this world, what can be concluded but that God is offended with
it? For how can it otherwise be, since there is holiness and justice in God? Hence
those that are born of a woman, whose original is by carnal conception with man,
are said to be as serpents so soon as born. The wicked (and all at first are so)
go astray as soon as they be born, speakings lies. Their poison is like the poison
of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder, that stoppeth her ear (Psa 58:3,4). They
go astray from the belly; but that they would not do, if aught of the powers of their
soul were unpolluted. But their poison is like the poison of a serpent. Their poison,
what is that? Their pollution, their original pollution, that is as the poison of
a serpent, to wit, not only deadly, for so poison is, but also hereditary. It comes
from the old one, from the sire and dam; yea, it is also now become connatural to
and with them, and is of the same date with the child as born into the world. The
serpent has not her poison, in the original of it, either from imitation or from
other infective things abroad, though it may by such things be helped forward and
increased; but she brings it with her in her bowels, in her nature, and it is to
her as suitable to her present condition as it is that which is most sweet and wholesome
to other of the creatures. So, then, every soul comes into the world as poisoned
with sin; nay, as such which have poison connatural to them; for it has not only
received sin as the wool has received the dye, but it retaineth it. The infection
is got so deep, it has taken the black so effectually, that the tint, the very fire
of hell, can never purge the soul therefrom.
And that the soul has received this infection thus early, and that it retains it
so surely, is not only signified by children coming into the world besmeared in their
mothers blood, and by the firstborns being redeemed at a month old, but also by the
first inclinations and actions of children when they are so come into the world (Exo
26). Who sees not that lying, pride, disobedience to parents, and hypocrisy, do put
forth themselves in children before they know that they do either well or ill in
so doing, or before they are capable to learn either of these arts by imitation,
or seeing understandingly the same things done first by others? He that sees not
that they do it naturally from a principle, from an inherent principle, is either
blinded, and has retained his darkness by the same sin as they, or has suffered himself
to be swayed by a delusion from him who at first infused this spawn of sin into mans
Nor doth the averseness of children to morality a little demonstrate what has been
said; for as it would make a serpent sick, should one give it a strong antidote against
his poison, so then are children, and never more than then, disturbed in their minds,
when a strict hand and a stiff rein by moral discipline is maintained over and upon
them. True, sometimes restraining grace corrects them, but that is not of themselves;
but more oft hypocrisy is the great and first moving wheel to all their seeming compliances
with admonitions, which indulgent parents are apt to overlook, yea, and sometimes,
through unadvisedness, to count for the principles of grace. I speak now of that
which comes before conversion. But as I said before, I
would not now dispute, only I have thought good thus to urge these things to make
my assertion manifest, and to show what is the cause of the damnation of the soul.
3. Again; as the soul receives sin, and retains it, so it also doth entertain it,
that is, countenance, smile upon, and like it's complexion and nature well. A man
may detain, that is, hold fast a thing which yet he doth not regard; but when he
entertains, then he countenances, likes, and delights in the company. Sin, then,
is first received by the soul, as has been afore explained, and by that reception
is polluted and defiled. This makes it hateful in the eyes of justice: it is now
polluted. Then, secondly, this sin is not only received, but retained, that is, it
sticks so fast, abides so fixedly in the soul, that it cannot be gotten out; this
is the cause of the continuation of abhorrence; for if God abhors because there is
a being of sin there, it must needs be that he should continue to abhor, since sin
continues to have a being there. But then, in the third place, sin is not only received,
detained, but entertained by the now defiled and polluted soul; wherefore this must
needs be a cause of the continuance of anger, and that with aggravation. When I say,
entertained, I do not mean as men entertain their enemies, with small and great shot,
[21] but as they entertain those whom they like, and those that are got into
their affections. [22] And therefore the wrath of God must certainly
be let out upon the soul, to the everlasting damnation of it.
Now that the soul doth thus entertain sin, is manifest by these several particulars
(1.) It hath admitted it with complacence and delight into every chamber of the soul;
I mean, it has been delightfully admitted to an entertainment by all the powers or
faculties of the soul. The soul hath chosen it rather than God: it also, at God's
command, refuseth to let it go; yea, it chooseth that doctrine, and loveth it best,
since it must have a doctrine, that has most of sin and baseness in it (Isa 65:12;
66:3). They say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us
right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits (Isa 30:10). These are
signs that the soul with liking hath entertained sin; and if there be at any time,
as indeed there is, a warrant issued out from the mouth of God to apprehend, to condemn,
and mortify sin, why then,
(2.) These shifts the souls of sinners do presently make for the saving of sin from
those things that by the Word men are commanded to do unto it
(a) They will, if possible, hide it, and not suffer it to be discovered. He that
hideth his sins[23] shall not prosper (Prov 28:13). And again,
they hide it, and refuse to let it go (Job 20:12,13). This is an evident sign that
the soul has a favour for sin, and that with liking it, entertains it.
(b) As it will hide it, so it will excuse it, and plead that this and that piece
of wickedness is no such evil thing; men need not be so nice, and make such a pother[24] about it, calling those that cry out so hotly against it, men more nice
than wise. Hence the prophets of old used to be called madmen, and the world would
reply against their doctrine, Wherein have we been so wearisome to God, and what
have we spoken so much against Him? (Mal 1:6,7; 3:8,13).
c) As the soul will do this, so to save sin, it will cover it with names of virtue,
either moral or civil; and of this God greatly complains, yea, breaks into anger
for this, saying, Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness
for light, and light for darkness; and put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter
(Isa 5:20)!
(d) If convictions and discovery of sin be so strong and so plain, that the soul
cannot deny but that it is sin, and that God is offended therewith; then it will
give flattering promises to God that it will indeed put it away; but yet it will
prefix a time that shall be long first, if it also then at all performs it, saying,
Yet a little sleep, yet a little slumber, yet a little folding of sin in mine arms,
till I am older, till I am richer, till I have had more of the sweetness and the
delights of sin. Thus, their soul delighteth in their abominations (Isa 66:3).
(e) If God yet pursues, and will see whether this promise of putting sin out of doors
shall be fulfilled by the soul, why then, it will be partial in God's law; it will
put away some, and keep some; put away the grossest, and keep the finest; put away
those that can best be spared, and keep the most profitable for a help at a pinch
(Mal 2:9).
(f) Yes, if all sin must be abandoned, or the soul shall have no rest, why then,
the soul and sin will part (with such a parting as it is), even as Phaltiel parted
with David's wife, with an ill will and a sorrowful mind; or as Orpha left her mother,
with a kiss (2 Sam 3:16; Ruth 1:14).
(g) And if at any time they can, or shall, meet with each other again, and nobody
never the wiser, O, what courting will be betwixt sin and the soul? And this is called
doing of things in the dark (Eze 8:12).
By all these, and many more things that might be instanced, it is manifest that sin
has a friendly entertainment by the soul, and that therefore the soul is guilty of
damnation; for what do all these things argue, but that God, His Word, His ways,
and graces, are out of favour with the soul, and that sin and Satan are it's only
pleasant companions? But,
[How sin, by the help of the soul, destroys it .]
Secondly, That I may yet show you what a great thing sin is with the soul that is
to be damned, I will show how sin, by the help of the soul, is managed, from the
motion of sin, even till it comes to the very act; for sin cannot come to an act
without the help of the soul. The body doth little here, as I shall further show
you anon.
There is then a motion of sin presented to the soul (and whether presented by sin
itself or the devil, we will not at this time dispute); motions of sin, and motions
to sin there are, and always the end of the motions of sin are to prevail with the
soul to help that motion into an act. But, I say, there is a motion to sin moved
to the soul; or, as James calls it, a conception. Now behold how the soul deals with
this motion in order to the finishing of sin, that death might follow (Rom 7:5).
1. This motion is taken notice of by the soul, but is not resisted nor striven against,
only the soul lifts up it's eyes upon it, and sees that there is present a motion
to sin, a motion of sin presented to the soul, that the soul might midwife it from
the conception into the world.
2. Well, notice being taken that a motion to sin is present, what follows but that
the fancy or imagination of the soul taketh it home to it, and doth not only look
upon it and behold it more narrowly, but begins to trick and trim up the sin to the
pleasing of itself and of all the powers of the soul. That this is true, is evident,
because God findeth fault with the imagination as with that which lendeth to sin
the first hand, and that giveth to it the first lift towards it's being helped forward
to act. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth (Gen 6:5,12,13).
That is, many abominable actions were done; for all flesh had corrupted God's way
upon the earth. But how came this to be so? Why, every imagination of the thoughts,
or of the motions that were in the heart to sin, was evil, only evil, and that continuously.
The imagination of the thoughts was evil that is, such as tended not to deaden or
stifle, but such as tended to animate and forward the motions or thoughts of sin
into action. Every imagination of the thought's, that which is here called a thought,
by Paul to the Romans, called a motion.
Now the imagination should, and would, had it been on God's side, so have conceived
of this motion of and to sins, all to have presented it in all it's features so ugly,
so ill favoured, and so unreasonable a thing to the soul, that the soul should forthwith
have let down the sluice, and pulled up the drawbridge, put a stop, with greatest
defiance, to the motion now under consideration; but the imagination being defiled,
it presently, at the very first view or noise of the motion of sin, so acted as to
forward the bringing the said motion or thought into act. So, then, the thought of
sin, or motion thereto, is first of all entertained by the imagination and fancy
of the soul, and thence conveyed to the rest of the powers of the soul to be condemned,
if the imagination be good; but to be helped forward to the act, if the imagination
be evil. And thus the evil imagination helpeth the motion of and to sin towards the
act, even by dressing of it up in that guise and habit that may best delude the understanding,
judgment, and conscience; and that is done after this manner: suppose a motion of
sin to commit fornication, to swear, to steal, to act covetously, or the like, be
propounded to the fancy and imagination; the imagination, if evil, presently dresseth
up this motion in that garb that best suiteth with the nature of the sin. As, if
it be the lust of uncleanness, then is the motion to sin drest up in all the imaginable
pleasurableness of that sin; if to covetousness, then is the sin drest up in the
profits and honours that attend that sin; and so of theft and the like; but if the
motion be to swear, hector, or the like, then is that motion drest up with valour
and manliness; and so you may count of the rest of sinful motions; and thus being
trimmed up like a Bartholomew baby, [25] it is presented to all the rest of the powers
of the soul, where with joint consent it is admired and embraced, to the firing and
inflaming all the powers of the soul.
And hence it is that men are said to inflame themselves with their idols under every
green tree. And to be as fed horses, neighing after their neighbours wife (Jer 5:8).
For the imagination is such a forcible power, that if it putteth forth itself to
dress up and present a thing to the soul, whether that thing be evil or good, the
rest of the faculties cannot withstand it. Therefore, when David prayed for the children
of Israel, he said, I have seen with joy thy people, which are present here, to offer
willingly unto thee; that is, for preparations to build the temple. O Lord God, saith
he, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of Thy people,
and prepare their heart unto Thee (1 Chron 29:17, 18). He knew that as the imagination
was prepared, so would the soul be moved, whether by evil or good; therefore as to
this, he prays that their imagination might be engaged always with apprehensions
of the beauteousness of the temple, that they might always, as now, offer willingly
for it's building.
But, as I said, when the imagination hath thus set forth sin to the rest of the faculties
of the soul, they are presently entangled, and fall into a flame of love thereto;
this being done, it follows that a purpose to pursue this motion, till it be brought
unto act, is the next thing that is resolved on. Thus Esau, after he had conceived
of that profit that would accrue to him by murdering of his brother, fell the next
way into a resolve to spill Jacobs blood. And Rebecca sent for Jacob, and said unto
him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing
to kill thee (Gen 27:42). See also (Jer 49:30). Nor is this purpose to do an evil
without it's fruit, for he comforted himself in his evil purpose: Esau, as touching
thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.
The purpose, therefore, being concluded, in the next place the invention is diligently
set to work to find out what means, methods, and ways, will be thought best to bring
this purpose into practice, and this motion to sin into action. Esau invented the
death of his brother when his father was to be carried to his grave (Gen 27:41).
David purposed to make Uriah father his bastard child by making of him drunk (2 Sam
11:13). Amnon purposed to ravish Tamar, and the means that he invented to do it were
by feigning himself sick. Absalom purposed to kill Amnon, and invented to do it at
a feast (2 Sam 13:32). Judas purposed to sell Christ, and invented to betray him
in the absence of the people (Luke 22:3-6). The Jews purposed to kill Paul, and invented
to entreat the judge of a blandation[26] to send for him, that they might murder him
as he went (Acts 23:12-15).
Thus you see how sin is, in the motion of it, handed through the soul first, it comes
into the fancy or imagination, by which it is so presented to the soul, as to inflame
it with desire to bring it into act; so from this desire the soul proceedeth to a
purpose of enjoying, and from a purpose of enjoying to inventing how, or by what
means, it had best to attempt the accomplishing of it.
But, further, when the soul has thus far, by it's wickedness, pursued the motion
of sin to bring it into action, then to the last thing; to wit, to endeavours, to
take the opportunity, which, by the invention, is judged most convenient; so to endeavours
it goes, till it has finished sin, and finished, in finishing of that, it's own fearful
damnation. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it
is finished, bringeth forth death (James 1:15).
And who knows, but God and the soul, how many lets, hindrances, convictions, fears,
frights, misgivings, and thoughts of the judgment of God, all this while are passing
and repassing, turning and returning, over the face of the soul? how many times the
soul is made to start, look back, and tremble, while it is pursuing the pleasure,
profit, applause, or preferment that sin, when finished, promiseth to yield unto
the soul? for God is such a lover of the soul, that He seldom lets it go on in sin,
but He cries to it, by His Word and providences, Oh! do not this abominable thing
that I hate! (Jer 44: 4); especially at first, until it shall have hardened itself,
and so provoked Him to give it up in sin-revenging judgment to it's own ways and
doings, which is the terriblest judgment under heaven; and this brings me to the
third thing, the which I now will speak to.
3. As the soul receives, detains, entertains, and wilily worketh to bring sin from
the motion into act, so it abhorreth to be controlled and taken off of this work
My soul loathed them, says God, and their soul also abhorred Me (Zech 6:8). My soul
loathed them, because they were so bad; and their souls abhorred Me, because I am
so good. Sin, then, is the cause of the loss of the soul; because it hath set the
soul, or, rather, because the soul of love to sin hath set itself against God. Woe
unto their soul, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves(Isa 3:9).
[Through sin the soul sets itself against God .]
Third , That you may the better perceive that the soul, through sin, has set itself
against God , I will propose, and speak briefly to, these two things:
I. The law. II. The gospel.
I. For the law . God has given it for a rule of life, either as written in their
natures, or as inserted in the Holy Scriptures; I say, for a rule of life to all
the children of men. But what have men done, or how have they carried it to this
law of their Creator; let us see, and that from the mouth of God himself.
1. They have not hearkened unto My words (Jer 6:19).
2. They have forsaken My law (Jer 9:13).
3. They have forsaken Me, and have not kept My law (Jer 16:11).
4. They have not walked in My law, nor in My statutes (Jer 44: 4).
5. Her priests have violated My law (Eze 22:26).
6. And, saith God, I have written to him the great things of My law, but they were
counted as a strange thing. (Hos 8:12).
Now, whence should all this disobedience arise? Not from the unreasonableness of
the commandment, but from the opposition that is lodged in us against God, and the
enmity that it entertains against goodness. Hence the apostle speaks of the emnity,
and says, that men are enemies in their minds, their souls, as is manifest by wicked
works (Col 1:21). This, if men went no further, must needs be highly provoking to
a just and holy God: yea, so highly offensive is it, that, to show the heat of His
anger, He saith, Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul
of man that doeth evil, and this evil with a witness, of the Jew first, and also
of the Gentile, that doth evil (Rom 2:8,9). That breaketh the law; for that evil
He is crying out against now. But,
II. To speak of the gospel , and of the carriage of sinful souls towards God under
that dispensation.
The gospel is a revelation of a sovereign remedy, provided by God, through Christ,
for the health and salvation of those that have made themselves objects of wrath
by the breach of the law of works; this is manifest by all the Scripture. But how
doth the soul carry it towards God, when He offereth to deal with it under and by
this dispensation of grace? Why, just as it carried it under the law of works: they
oppose, they contradict, they blaspheme, and forbid that this gospel be mentioned
(Acts 13:45; 27:6). What higher affront or contempt can be offered to God, and what
greater disdain can be shown against the gospel? (2 Tim 2:25; 1 Thess 2:14-16). Yet
all this the poor soul, to it's own wrong, offereth against the way of it's own salvation;
as it is said in the Word of truth, He that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul:
all they that hate Me love death (Prov 8:36).
But, further, the soul despiseth not the gospel in that revelation of it only, but
the great and chief bringer thereof, with the manner, also, of His bringing of it.
The Bringer, the great Bringer of the gospel, is the good Lord Jesus Christ himself;
He came and preached peace to them that the law proclaimed war against; became and
preached peace to them that were afar off, and to them that were nigh (Eph 2:17).
And it is worth your observation to take notice how He came, and that was, and still
is, as He is set forth in the word of the gospel; to wit, first, as making peace
Himself to God for us in and by the blood of His cross; and then, as bearing (as
set out by the gospel) the very characters of His sufferings before our faces in
every tender of the gospel of His grace unto us. And to touch a little upon the dress
in which, by the gospel, Christ presenteth unto us while He offereth unto sinful
souls His peace, by the tenders thereof.
1. He is set forth as born for us, to save our souls (Isa 9:6; Luke 2:9-12).
2. He is set forth before us as bearing of our sins for us, and suffering God's wrath
for us (1 Cor 15:3; Gal 3:13).
3. He is set forth before us as fulfilling the law for us, and as bringing of everlasting
righteousness to us for our covering (Rom 5:4; Dan 9:24).
Again, as to the manner of His working out the salvation of sinners for them, that
they might have peace and joy, and heaven and glory, for ever.
(1.) He is set forth as sweating of blood while He was in His agony, wrestling with
the thoughts of death, which He was to suffer for our sins, that He might save the
soul (Luke 22:44).
(2.) He is set forth as crying, weeping, and mourning under the lashes of justice
that He put Himself under, and was willing to bear for our sins (Heb 5:7).
(3.) He is set forth as betrayed, apprehended, condemned, spit on, scourged, buffeted,
mocked, crowned with thorns, crucified, pierced with nails and a spear, to save the
soul from being betrayed by the devil and sin; to save it from being apprehended
by justice, and condemned by the law; to save it from being spit on, in a way of
contempt, by holiness; to save it from being scourged with guilt of sins, as with
scorpions; to save it from being continually buffeted by it's own conscience; to
save it from being mocked at by God; to save it from being crowned with ignominy
and shame for ever; to save it from dying the second death; to save it from wounds
and grief for ever.
Dost thou understand me, sinful soul? He wrestled with justice, that thou mightest
have rest; He wept and mourned, that thou mightest laugh and rejoice; He was betrayed,
that thou mightest go free; was apprehended, that thou mightest escape; He was condemned,
that thou mightest be justified; and was killed, that thou mightest live; He wore
a crown of thorns, that thou mightest wear a crown of glory; and was nailed to the
cross, with His arms wide open, to show with what freeness all His merits shall be
bestowed on the coming soul; and how heartily He will receive it into His bosom?
Further, all this He did of mere good will, and offereth the benefit thereof unto
thee freely; yea, He cometh unto thee, in the word of the gospel, with the blood
running down from His head upon His face, with His tears abiding upon His cheeks,
with the holes as fresh in His hands and His feet, and as with the blood still bubbling
out of His side, to pray thee to accept of the benefit, and to be reconciled to God
thereby (2 Cor 5). But what saith the sinful soul to this? I do not ask what he saith
with his lips, for he will assuredly flatter God with his mouth; but what doth his
actions and carriages declare as to his acceptance of this incomparable benefit?
For a wicked man speaketh with his feet, and teacheth with his fingers (Prov 6:12,13).
With his feet, that is, by the way he goeth: and with his fingers, that is, by his
acts and doings. So, then, what saith he by his goings, by his sets and doings, unto
this incomparable benefit, thus brought unto him from the Father, by His only Son,
Jesus Christ? What saith he? Why, he saith that he doth not at all regard this Christ,
nor value the grace thus tendered unto him in the gospel.
1. He saith, that he regardeth not this Christ, that he seeth nothing in Him why
he should admit Him to be entertained in his affections. Therefore the prophet, speaking
in the person of sinners, says, He (Christ) hath no form nor comeliness, and when
we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him; and then adds, to
show what he meaneth by his thus speaking, saying, he is despised and rejected of
men (Isa 53:2,3). All this is spoken with reference to His person, and it was eminently
fulfilled upon Him in the days of His flesh, when He was hated, maligned, and persecuted
to death by sinners; and is still fulfilled in the souls of sinners, in that they
cannot abide to think of Him with thoughts that have a tendency in them to separate
them and their lusts asunder, and to the making of them to embrace Him for their
darling, and the taking up of their cross to follow Him. All this sinners speak out
with loud voices, in that they stop their ears and shut their eyes as to Him, but
open them wide and hearken diligently to anything that pleaseth the flesh, and that
is a nursery to sin. But,
2. As they despise, and reject, and do not regard His person, so they do not value
the grace that He tendereth unto them by the gospel; this is plain by that indifferency
of spirit that always attends them when, at any time, they hear thereof, or when
it is presented unto them.
I may safely say, that the most of men who are concerned in a trade, will be more
vigilant in dealing with a twelvepenny customer than they will be with Christ when
He comes to make unto them, by the gospel, a tender of the incomparable grace of
God. Hence they are called fools, because a price is put into their hands to get
wisdom, and they have no heart unto it (Prov 18:16). And hence, again, it is that
that bitter complaint is made, But My people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel
would none of Me (Psa 81:11). Now, these things being found, as practised by the
souls of sinners, must needs, after a wonderful manner, provoke; wherefore, no marvel
that the heavens are bid to be astonished at this, and that damnation shall seize
upon the soul for this (Jer 2).
And indeed, the soul that doth thus by practice, though with his mouth, as who doth
not? he shall show much love, he doth, interpretatively, say these things:
(1.) That he loveth sin better than grace, and darkness better than light, even as
our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed, And this is the condemnation, that light is come
into the world, and men loved darkness more than light (as is manifest), because
their deeds were evil (John 3:19).
(2.) They do, also, by their thus rejecting of Christ and grace, say, that for what
the law can do to them, they value it not; they regard not it's thundering threatenings,
nor will they shrink when they come to endure the execution thereof; wherefore God,
to deter them from such bold and desperate ways, that do, interpretatively, fully
declare that they make such desperate conclusions, insinuates that the burden of
the curse thereof is intolerable, saying, Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands
be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee? I, the Lord, have spoken it,
and will do it (Eze 22:14).
(3.) Yea, by their thus doing, they do as good as say that they will run the hazard
of a sentence of death at the day of judgment, and that they will, in the meantime,
join issue, and stand a trial at that day with the great and terrible God. What else
means their not hearkening to Him, their despising of His Son, and the rejecting
of His grace; yea I say again, what else means their slighting of the curse of the
law, and their choosing to abide in their sins till the day of death and judgment?
And thus I have showed you the causes of the loss of the soul; and, assuredly, these
things are no fables.
Objection . But some may object, and say, But you denounce all against the soul;
the soul, as if the body were in no fault at all; or, as if there were no punishment
assigned for the body.
Answer 1. The soul must be the part punished, because the soul is that which sins.
Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, fornication or adultery excepted
(1 Cor 6:18). Is without the body; that is, as to the wilily inventing, contriving,
and finding out ways to bring the motions of sin into action. For, alas! What can
the body do as to these? It is in a manner wholly passive; yea, altogether as to
the lusting and purposing to do the wickedness, excepting the sin before excepted;
ay, and not excepting that, as to the rise of that sin; for even that, with all the
rest, ariseth and proceedeth out of the heart, the soul; For from within, out of
the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts,
covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride,
foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man (Mark 7:21-23).
That is, the outward man. But a difference must always be put betwixt defiling and
being defiled, that which defileth being the worst; not but that the body shall have
it's share of judgment, for body and soul must be destroyed in hell (Luke 12:4,5;
Matt 10:28). The body as the instrument, the soul as the actor; but oh! the soul,
the soul, the soul is the sinner; and, therefore, the soul, as the principal, must
be punished.
And that God's indignation burneth most against the soul appears in that death hath
seized upon every soul already; for the Scripture saith, that every natural or unconverted
man is dead (Eph 2:1-3). Dead! How? Is his body dead? No, verily; his body liveth,
but his soul is dead (1 Tim 5:6). Dead! But with what death? Dead to God, and to
all things gospelly good, by reason of that benumbing, stupifying, and senselessness,
that, by God's just judgment for and by sin, hath swallowed up the soul. Yea, if
you observe, you shall see that the soul goeth first, or before, in punishment, not
only by what has been said already, in that the soul is first made a partaker of
death, but in that God first deals with the soul by convictions, yea, and terrors,
perhaps, while the body is well; or, in that He giveth up the soul to judicial hardness
and further blindness, while He leaveth the body to do His office in the world; yea,
and also when the day of death and dissolution is come, the body is spared, while
the soul is tormented in unutterable torment in hell. And so, I say, it shall be
spared, and the clods of the valley shall be sweet unto it, while the soul mourneth
in hell for sin. It is true, at the day of judgment, because that is the last and
final judgment of God on men, then the body and soul shall be reunited, or joined
together again, and shall then, together, partake of that recompence for their wickedness
which is meet. When I say, the body is spared and the soul tormented, I mean not
that the body is not then, at death, made to partake of the wages of sin, for the
wages of sin is death (Rom 3:23). But I mean, the body partakes then but of temporal
death, which, as to sense and feeling, is sometimes over presently, and then resteth
in the grave, while the soul is tormenting in hell. Yea, and why is death suffered
to slay the body? I dare say, not chiefly for that the indignation of God most burneth
against the body; but the body being the house for the soul in this world, God even
pulls down this body, that the soul may be stript naked, and being stript, may be
carried to prison, to the place where damned souls are, there to suffer in the beginning
of suffering, that punishment that will be endless.
Answer 2 . Therefore, the soul must be the part most sorely punished, because justice
must be distributed with equity. God is a God of knowledge and judgment; by Him actions
are weighed; actions in order to judgment (1 Sam 2). Now, by weighing of actions,
since He finds the soul to have the deepest hand in sin; and He says that He hath
so, of equity the soul is to bear the burden of punishment. Shall not the Judge of
all the earth do right in His famous distributing of judgment? (Gen 18:25). He will
not lay upon man more than right, that he should enter into judgment with God (Job
34:23). The soul, since deepest in sin, shall also be deepest in punishment. Shall
one man sin, said Moses, and wilt Thou be wroth with all the congregation? (Num 1:22).
He pleads here for equity in God's distributing of judgment; yea, and so exact is
God in the distribution thereof, that He will not punish heathens so as He will punish
Jews; wherefore He saith , Of the Jew first, or chiefly, and also of the Gentile
(Rom 2:9). Yea, in hell He has prepared several degrees of punishment for the several
sorts or degrees of offenders; And some shall receive greater damnation (Luke 22:47).
And will it not be unmeet for us to think, since God is so elect in all His doings,
that He will, without His weights and measures, give to soul and body, as I may say,
carelessly, not severally, their punishments, according to the desert and merit of
Answer 3 . The punishment of the soul in hell must needs, to be sure, as to degree,
differ from the punishment of the body there. When I say, differ, I mean, must needs
be greater, whether the body be punished with the same fire with the soul, or fire
of another nature. If it be punished with the same fire, yet not in the same way;
for the fire of guilt, with the apprehensions of indignation and wrath, are most
properly felt and apprehended by the soul, and by the body by virtue of it's union
with the soul; and so felt by the body, if not only, yet, I think, mostly, by way
of sympathy with the soul; and the cause, we say, is worse than the disease; and
if the wrath of God, and the apprehensions of it, as discharging itself for sin,
and the breach of the law, be that with which the soul is punished, as sure it is:
then the body is punished by the effects, or by those influences that the soul, in
it's torments, has upon the body, by virtue of that great oneness and union that
is between them.
But if there be a punishment prepared for the body distinct in kind from that which
is prepared for the soul, yet it must be a punishment inferior to that which is prepared
for the soul; not that the soul and body shall be severed, but being made of things
distinct, their punishments will be by that which is most suitable to each. I say,
it must be inferior, because nothing can be so hot, so tormenting, so intolerably
insupportable, as the quickest apprehensions of, and the immediate sinking under,
that guilt and indignation that is proportional to the offence. Should all the wood,
and brimstone, and combustible matter on earth be gathered together for the tormenting
of one body, yet that cannot yield that torment to that which the sense of guilt
and burning-hot application of the indignation of God will do to the soul; yea, suppose
the fire wherewith the body is tormented in hell should be seven times hotter than
any of our fire; yea, suppose it, again, to be seven times hotter than that which
is seven times hotter than ours, yet it must, suppose it to be but created fire,
be infinitely short, as to tormenting operations, of the unspeakable wrath of God,
when in the heat thereof He applieth it to, and doth punish the soul for sin in hell
therewith. So, then, whether the body be tormented with the same fire wherewith the
soul is tormented, or whether the fire be of another kind, yet it is not possible
that it should bear the same punishment as to degree, because, or for the causes
I have showed. Nor, indeed, is it meet it should, because the body has not sinned
so, so grievously as the soul has done; and God proportioneth the punishment suitable
to the offence.
Answer 4. With the soul by itself are the most quick and suitable apprehensions of
God and His wrath; wherefore, that must needs be made partaker of the sorest punishment
in hell; it is the soul that now is the most subtle at discerning, and it is the
soul that will be so; then conscience, memory, and understanding, and mind; these
will be the seat of torment, since the understanding will let wrath immediately upon
these, from what it apprehends of that wrath; conscience will let the wrath of God
immediately upon these, from what it fearfully feels of that wrath; the memory will
then, as a vessel, receive and retain up to the brim of this wrath, even as it receiveth
by the understanding and conscience, the cause of this wrath, and considers the durableness
of it; so, then, the soul is the seat and the receiver of wrath, even as it was the
receiver and seat of sin; here, then, is sin and wrath upon the soul, the soul in
the body, and so soul and body tormented in hell fire.
Answer 5 . The soul will be most tormented, because strongest; the biggest burden
must lie upon the strongest part, especially since, also, it is made capable of it
by it's sin. The soul must bear it's own punishment, and a great part of the body's
too, forasmuch as, so far as apprehension goes, the soul will be quicker at the work
than the body. True, the body, by the help of the soul, will see too, but the soul
will see yet abundantly further. And good reason that the soul should bear part of
the punishment of the body, because it was through it's allurements that the body
yielded to help the soul to sin. The devil presented sin, the soul took it by the
body, and now devil, and soul, and body, and all must be lost, cast away; that is,
damned in hell for sin; but the soul must be the burden bearer.
Objection . But you say, Doth not this give encouragement to sinners to give way
to the body to be in all it's members loose, and vain, and wicked, as instruments
to sin?
Answer . No; forasmuch as the body shall also have his share in punishment. For though
I have said the soul shall have more punishment than the body, yet I have not said,
that the body shall at all be eased by that; no, the body will have it's due. And
for the better making out of my answer further, consider of these following particulars:
(1.) The body will be the vessel to hold the tormented soul in; this will be something;
therefore man, damned man, is called a vessel of wrath, a vessel, and that in both
body and soul (Rom 9:22). The soul receiveth wrath unto itself, and the body holdeth
that soul that has thus received, and is tormented with, the wrath of God. Now the
body being a vessel to hold this soul that is thus possessed with the wrath of God,
must needs itself be afflicted and tormented with that torment, because of it's union
with the body; therefore the Holy Ghost saith, His flesh upon him shall have pain,
and his soul within him shall mourn (Job 14:22). Both shall have their torment and
misery, for that both joined hand in hand in sin, the soul to bring it to the birth,
and the body to midwife it into the world; therefore it saith again, with reference
to the body, Let the curse come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his
bones. Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle, etc.
(Psa 109:17-19). The body, then, will be tormented as well as the soul, by being
a vessel to hold that soul that is now possessed and distressed with the unspeakable
wrath and indignation of the Almighty God, and this will be a great deal, if you
(2.) That the body, as a body, will, by reason of it's union with the soul, be as
sensible, and so as capable in it's kind, to receive correction and torment as ever,
nay, I think more; for if the quickness of the soul giveth quickness of sense to
the body, as in some case, at least, I am apt to think it doth, then forasmuch as
the soul will now be most quick, most sharp in apprehension, so the body, by reason
of union and sympathy with the soul, will be most quick and most sharp as to sense.
Indeed, if the body should not receive and retain sense, yea, all it's senses, by
reason of it's being a vessel to hold the soul, the torment of the soul could not
as torment, be ministered to the body, no more than the fire tormented the king of
Babylon's furnace (Dan 3). Or than the king of Moab's lime kiln was afflicted because
the king of Edom's bones were burnt therein. But now the body has received again
it's senses, now therefore it must, yea, it cannot choose but must feel that wrath
of God that is let out, yea, poured out like floods of water into the soul. [27] Remember also,
that besides what the body receiveth from the soul by reason of it's union and sympathy
therewith, there is a punishment, and instruments of punishment, though I will not
pretend to tell you exactly what it is, prepared for the body for it's joining with
the soul in sin, therewith to be punished; a punishment, I say, that shall fall immediately
upon the body, and that such an one as will most fitly suit with the nature of the
body, as wrath and guilt do most fitly suit the nature of the soul.
(3.) Add to these, the durable condition that the body in this state is now in with
the soul. Time was when the soul died, and the body lived, and the soul was tormented
while the body slept and rested in the dust; but now these things are past; for at
the day of judgment, as I said, these two shall be reunited, and that which once
did separate them, be destroyed; then of necessity they must abide together, and,
as together, abide the punishment prepared for them; and this will greaten the torment
of the body.
Death was once the wages of sin, and a grievous curse; but might the damned meet
with it in hell, they would count it a mercy, because it would separate soul and
body, and not only so, but take away all sense from the body, and make it incapable
of suffering torment; yea, I will add, and by that means give the soul some ease;
for without doubt, as the torments of the soul extend themselves to the body, so
the torments of the body extend themselves to the soul; nor can it be otherwise,
because of union and sympathy. But death, natural death, shall be destroyed, and
there shall be no more natural death, no, not in hell (1 Cor 15:26). And now it shall
happen to men, as it hath done in less and inferior judgments. They shall seek death,
and desire to die, and death shall not be found by them (Job 3:21; Rev 9:6). Thus
therefore they must abide together; death that used to separate them asunder is now
slain. 1. Because it was an enemy in keeping Christ's body in the grave; and, 2.
Because a friend to carnal men in that, though it was a punishment in itself, yet
while it lasted and had dominion over the body of the wicked, it hindered them of
that great and just judgment which for sin was due unto them; and this is the third
discovery of the manner and way of punishing of the body. But,
(4.) There will then be such things to be seen and heard, which the eye and the ear,
to say no more than has been said of the sense of feeling will see and hear, that
will greatly aggravate the punishment of the body in hell; for though the eye is
the window, and the ear a door for the soul to look out at, and also to receive in
by, yet whatever goeth in at the ear or the eye leaves influence upon the body, whether
it be that which the soul delighteth in, or that which the soul abhorreth; for as
the eye affecteth the heart, or soul (Lam 3:51) so the eye and ear, by hearing and
beholding, doth oft times afflict the body. When I heard, my belly trembled, rottenness
entered into my bones. (Hab 3:16).
Now, I say, as the body after it's resurrection, to damnation, to everlasting shame
and contempt (Dan 12:2; John 5:29) will receive all it's senses again, so it will
have matter to exercise them upon, not only to the letting into the soul those aggravations
which they by hearing, feeling, and seeing are capable to let in thither, but, I
say, they will have matter and things to exercise themselves upon for the helping
forward of the torment of the body. Under temporal judgments of old, the body as
well as the soul had no ease, day or night, and that not only by reason of what was
felt, but by reason of what was heard and seen. In the morning thou shalt say, Would
God it were even! And at even thou shalt say, Would God it were morning! (Deu 28:67).
1. For the fear of thine heart, wherewith thou shalt fear; 2. And for the sight of
thine eyes, which thou shalt see. Nay, He tells them a little before, that they should
be mad for the sight of their eyes which they should see (verse 34).
See! why, what shall they see? Why, themselves in hell, with others like them; and
this will be a torment to their body. There is bodily torment, as I said, ministered
to the body by the senses of the body. What think you? If a man saw himself in prison,
in irons, upon the ladder, with the rope about his neck, would not this be distress
to the body, as well as to the mind? To the body, doubtless. Witness the heavy looks,
the shaking legs, trembling knees, pale face, and beating and aching heart; [28] how much more,
then, when men shall see themselves in the most dreadful place; it is a fearful place,
doubtless, to all to behold themselves in that shall come thither (Luke 16:28).
Again; they shall see others there, and shall by them see themselves. There is an
art by which a man may make his neighbour look so ghastly, that he shall fright himself
by looking on him, especially when he thinks of himself, that he is of the same show
also. It is said concerning men at the downfall of Babylon, that they shall be amazed
one at another, for their faces shall be as flames (Isa 13:8). And what if one should
say, that even as it is with a house set on fire within, where the flame ascends
out at the chimneys, out at the windows, and the smoke out at every chink and crevice
that it can find, so it will be with the damned in hell. That soul will breathe hell
fire and smoke, and coals will seem to hang upon it's burning lips; yea, the face,
eyes, and ears will seem all to be chimneys and vents for the flame and smoke of
the burning which God by His breath hath kindled therein, and upon them, which will
be beheld one in another, to the great torment and distress of each other.
What shall I say? Here will be seen devils, and here will be heard howlings and mournings;
here will the soul see itself at an infinite distance from God; yea, the body will
see it too. In a word, who knows the power of God's wrath, the weight of sin, the
torments of hell, and the length of eternity? If none, then none can tell, when they
have said what they can, the intolerableness of the torments that will swallow up
the soul, the lost soul, when it is cast away by God, and from Him, into outer darkness
for sin. But this much for the cause of the loss of the soul.
I now come to the second doctrine that I gathered from the words, namely, that how
unconcerned and careless so ever some now be about the loss or salvation of their
souls, the day is coming, but it will then be too late, when men will be willing,
had they never so much, to give it all in exchange for their souls. There are four
things in the words that do prove this doctrine.
1. There is an intimation of life and sense in the man that has lost, and that after
he has lost, his soul in hell Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
These words are by no means applicable to the man that has no life or sense; for
he that is dead according to our common acceptation of death, that is, deprived of
life and sense, would not give twopence to change his state; therefore the words
do intimate that the man is yet alive and sensible. Now were a man alive and sensible,
though he was in none other place than the grave, there to be confined, while others
are at liberty, what would he give in exchange for his place, and to be rid of that
for a better! but how much more to be delivered from hell, the present place and
state of his soul!
2. There is in the text an intimation of a sense of torment Or what shall a man give
in exchange for his soul? I am tormented in this flame. Torment, then, the soul is
sensible of, and that there is a place of ease and peace. And from the sense and
feeling of torment, he would give, yea, what would he not give, in exchange for his
3. There is in the text an intimation of the intolerableness of the torment, because
that it supposeth that the man whose soul is swallowed up therewith would give all,
were his all never so great, in exchange for his soul.
4. There is yet in the text an intimation that the soul is sensible of the lastingness
of the punishment, or else the question rather argues a man unwary than considerate
in his offering, as is supposed by Christ, so largely, his all in exchange for his
But we will, in this manner, proceed no further, but take it for granted that the
doctrine is good; wherefore I shall next inquire after what is contained in this
truth. And,
FIRST, That God has undertaken, and will accomplish, the breaking of the spirits
of all the world, either by His grace and mercy to salvation, or by His justice and
severity to damnation . The damned soul under consideration is certainly supposed,
as by the doctrine, so by the text, to be utterly careless, and without regard of
salvation, so long as the acceptable time did last, and as the white flag, that signifies
terms of peace, did hang out; and, therefore, it is said to be lost; but, behold,
now it is careful, but now it is solicitous, but now, what shall a man give in exchange
for his soul? He of whom you read in the gospel, that could tend to do nothing in
the days of the gospel but to find out how to be clothed in purple and fine linen,
and to fare sumptuously every day, was by God brought so down, and laid so low at
last, that he could crouch, and cringe, and beg for one small drop of water to cool
his tongue, a thing, that but a little before he would have thought scorn to have
done, when he also thought scorn to stoop to the grace and mercy of the gospel (Luke
16:19,24). But God was resolved to break his spirit, and the pride of his heart,
and to humble his lofty looks, if not by His mercy, yet by His justice; if not by
His grace, yet by hell fire.
This he also threatens to bring upon the fool in the Proverbs They shall call, they
shall seek, they shall cry (Prov 1:22-32). Who shall do so? The answer is, They that
sometimes scorned either to seek, or call, or cry; they that stopped their ears,
that pulled away their shoulders, and that refused to seek, or call, or cry to God
for mercy (Zech 7:11-13).
Sinner, careless sinner, didst thou take notice of this first inference that I have
drawn from my second doctrine? If thou didst, yet read it again: it is this, God
has undertaken, and will accomplish, the breaking of the spirits of all the world,
either by His grace and mercy unto salvation, or by His justice and severity to damnation.
The reason for this is this: God is resolved to have the mastery, He is resolved
to have the victory. Who would set the briers and thorns against Me in battle? I
would go through them, I would burn them together (Isa 27:4). I will march against
them. God is merciful, and is come forth into the world by His Son, tendering of
grace unto sinners by the gospel, and would willingly make a conquest over them for
their good by His mercy. Now He being come out, sinners like briars and thorns do
set themselves against Him, and will have none of His mercy. Well, but what says
God? Saith He, Then I will march on, I will go through them, and burn them together.
I am resolved to have the mastery one way or another; if they will not bend to Me,
and accept of My mercy in the gospel, I will bend them and break them by My justice
in hell fire. They say they will not bend; I say they shall; now they shall know
whose words shall stand, Mine or theirs. (Jer 44:25-28). Wherefore the apostle, when
he saw that some of the Corinthians began to be unruly, and to do those things that
did begin to hazard them, saith, Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger
than He? (1 Cor 5:22). As who should say, My brethren, are you aware what you do?
do you not understand that God is resolved to have the mastery one way or another?
and are you stronger than He? if not, tremble before Him, or He will certainly have
you under His feet I will tread them in Mine anger, and trample them in My fury (Isa
63:3). Thus He speaks of them that set themselves against Him; therefore beware.
Now the reason of this resolution of God, it flows from a determination in Him to
make all His sayings good, and to verify them on the consciences of sinners. And
since the incredulous world will not believe now, and fly from wrath, they shall
shortly believe and cry under it; since they will not now credit the Word, before
they see, unto salvation, they shall be made to credit it by sense and feeling unto
SECOND, The second inference that I draw from my second doctrine is this: That it
is, and will be the lot of some to bow and break before God, too late, or when it
is too late. God is resolved, as I said. to have the mastery, and that not only in
a way of dominion and lordship in general, for that He has now, but He is resolved
to master, that is, to break the spirit of the world, to make all men cringe and
crouch unto Him, even those that now say, There is no God, (Psa 14:1); or if there
be, yet, What is the Almighty, that we should serve Him? (Job 21:15; Mal 3:14).
This is little thought of by those that now harden their hearts in wickedness, and
that turn their spirit against God; but this they shall think of, this they must
think of, this God will make them think of in that day, at which day they also now
do mock and deride, that the Scripture might be fulfilled upon them (2 Peter 3:3,4).
And, I say, they shall think then of those things, and break at heart, and melt under
the hand, and power, and majesty of the Almighty; for, As I live, saith the Lord,
every knee shall bow to Me; and every tongue shall confess to God (Isa 45:23; Rom
14:11). And again, The nations shall see, and be confounded at all their might; they
shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf. They shall lick
the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms, or creeping
things, of the earth; they shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fear because
of Thee (Micah 7:16,17).
For then they, will they nill they, shall have to do with God, though not with Him
as merciful, or as one that may be intreated; yet with Him all just, and as devouring
fire (Heb 7:29). Yea, they shall see that face, and hear that voice, from whom and
from which the heavens and the earth will fly away, and find no place of stay. And
by this appearance, and by such words of His mouth as He then will speak to them,
they shall begin to tremble, and call for the rocks to fall upon them and cover them;
for if these things will happen at the execution of inferior judgments, what will
be done, what effects will the last, most dreadful, and eternal judgment, have upon
mens' souls?
Hence you find, that at the very first appearance of Jesus Christ, the whole world
begins to mourn and lament Every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him:
and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him (Rev 1:7). And, therefore,
you also find them to stand at the door and knock, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto
us (Luke 14:25; Matt 25:11). Moreover, you find them also desiring, yea, also so
humble in their desires as to be content with the least degree of mercy, one drop,
one drop upon the tip of ones finger. What stooping, what condescension, what humility
is here! All, and every one of those passages declare, that the hand of God is upon
them, and that the Almighty has got the mastery of them, has conquered them, broke
the pride of their power, and laid them low, and made them cringe and crouch unto
him, bending the knee, and craving of kindness. Thus, then, will God bow, and bend,
and break them; yea, make them bow, and bend, and break before Him. And hence also
it is they will weep, and mourn, and gnash their teeth, and cry, and repent that
ever they have been so foolish, so wicked, so traitorous to their souls, such enemies
of their own eternal happiness, as to stand out in the day of their visitation in
a way of rebellion against the Lord.
But here is their hard hap, their dismal lot and portion, that all these things must
be when it is too late. It is, and will be, the lot and hap of these to bow, bend,
and break too late (Matt 25). You read they come weeping and mourning, and with tears;
they knock and they cry for mercy; but what did tears avail? Why, nothing; for the
door was shut. He answered and said, I know not whence you are. But they repeat and
renew their suit, saying, We have eaten and drunk in Thy presence, and Thou hast
taught in our streets. What now? Why, He returns upon them His first answer the second
time, saying, I know not whence ye are; depart from Me, all ye workers of iniquity;
then He concludes, There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you
yourselves thrust out (Luke 13:26,28). They come weeping, and go weeping away. They
come to Him weeping, for they saw that He had conquered them; but they departed weeping,
for they saw that He would damn them; yet, as we read in another place, they were
very loath to go from Him, by their reasoning and expostulating with Him Lord, when
saw we Thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison,
and did not minister unto Thee? But all would not do; here is no place for change
of mind These shall go away into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life
eternal (Matt 25:44-46). And now what would a man give in exchange for his soul?
So that, as I said before, all is too late; they mourn too late, they repent too
late, they pray too late, and seek to make an exchange for their soul too late. Or
what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Two or three things there may yet be gathered from these words; I mean, as to the
desires of them that have lost their souls, to make for them an exchange; What shall
a man give in exchange?what shall, what would, yea, what would not a man, if he had
it, give in exchange for his soul?
First, What would not a man, I mean, a man that is in the condition that is by the
text supposed some men are and will be in, give in exchange to have another mans
virtue instead of their own vices? Let me die the death of the righteous; let my
soul be in the state of the soul of the righteous, that is, in reference to his virtues,
when I die, and let my last end be like his (Num 23:10). It is a sport now to some
to taunt, and squib, and deride at other mens' virtues; but the day is coming when
their minds will be changed, and when they shall be made to count those that have
done those righteous actions and duties which they have scoffed at, the only blessed
men; yea, they shall wish their soul in the blessed possession of those graces and
virtues, that those whom they hated were accompanied with, and would, if they had
it, give a whole world for this change; but it will not now do, it is now too late.
What then shall a man give in exchange for his soul? And this is more than intimated
in that 25th of Matthew, named before: for you find by that text how loath they were,
or will be, to be counted for unrighteous people Lord, say they, when did we see
thee an hungred, or athirst, naked, or sick, and did not minister unto thee? Now
they are not willing to be of the number of the wicked, though hereto-fore the ways
of the righteous were an abomination to them. But, alas! they are before a just God,
a just Judge, a Judge that will give every one according to their ways; therefore,
Woe unto (the soul of) the wicked now, it shall be ill with him , for the reward
of his hands shall be given him (Isa 3:11). Thus, therefore, he is locked up as to
this; he cannot now change his vice for virtues, nor put himself nor his soul in
the stead of the soul of the saved; so that it still, and will, for ever abide a
question unresolved, Or, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? I do not
doubt but that a mans state may be such in this world, that if he had it he would
give thousands of gold to be as innocent and guiltless in the judgment of the law
of the land as is the state of such or such, heartily wishing that himself was not
that he, that he is; how much more then will men wish thus when they stand ready
to receive the last, their eternal judgment. But what shall a man give in exchange
for his soul?
Second , As they would, for the salvation of their souls, be glad to change away
their vices for the virtues, their sins for the good deeds of others; so what would
they not give to change places now, or to remove from where now they are, into paradise,
into Abraham's bosom! But neither shall this be admitted; the righteous must have
their inheritance to themselves Neither, said Abraham, can they pass to us, that
would come from thence, (Luke 16:26); neither can they dwell in heaven that would
come from hell.
They then that have lost, or shall lose their souls are bound to their place, as
well as to their sins. When Judas went to hell, he went to his home, to his own place
(Acts 1:25). And when the righteous go hence, they also
go home to their house, to their own place; for the kingdom of heaven is prepared
for them (Matt 25:34). Between heaven and hell there is a great gulf fixed (Luke
26:26). That is a strange passage: There is a great gulf fixed. What this gulf is,
and how impassable, they that shall lose their souls will know to their woe; because
it is fixed there where it is, on purpose to keep them in their tormenting place,
so that they that would pass from hell to heaven cannot. But, I say, Would they not
change places? would they not have a more comfortable house and home for their souls?
Yes, verily, the text supposes it, and the 16th of Luke affirms it; yea, and could
they purchase for their souls a habitation among the righteous, would they not? Yes,
they would give all the world to such a change. What shall, what shall not, a man,
if he had it, if it would answer his design, give in exchange for his soul?
Third , As the damned would change their own vices for virtues, and the place where
they are for that into which they shall not come, so what would they give for a change
of condition? Yea, if an absolute change may not be obtained, yet what would they
give for the least degree of mitigation of that torment, which now they know will
without any intermission be, and that for ever and ever. Tribulation and anguish,
indignation and wrath (Rom 2:8,9), the gnawing worm, and everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power, cannot be borne but
with great horror and grief (2 Thess 1:7-10). No marvel, then, if these poor creatures
would, for ease for their souls, be glad to change their conditions. Change!with
whom? with an angel, with a saint; ay, with a dog or a toad; [29] for they mourn
not, they weep not, nor do they bear indignation of wrath; they are as if they had
not been; only the sinful soul abides in it's sins, in the place designed for lost
souls, and in the condition that wrath and indignation for sin and transgression
hath decreed them to abide for ever. And this brings me to the conclusion, which
is, that seeing the ungodly do seek good things too late, therefore, notwithstanding
their seeking, they must still abide in their place, their sins, and their torment
For what can a man give in exchange for his soul? Therefore, God saith, that they
there must still abide and dwell, no exchange can be made. This shall ye have of
Mine hand, ye shall lie down in sorrow; they shall lie down in it, they shall make
their bed there, there they shall lie (Isa 50:11; Eze 32:25-27). And this is the
bitter pill that they must swallow down at the last; for, after all their tears,
their sorrows, their mournings, their repentings, their wishings and woundings, and
all their inventings, and desires to change their state for a better, they must lie
down in sorrow. The poor condemned man that is upon the ladder or scaffold has, if
one knew them, many a long wish and long desire that he might come down again alive,
or that his condition was as one of the spectators that are not condemned and brought
thither to be executed as he. How carefully also doth he look with his failing eyes,
to see if some comes not from the king with a pardon for him, all the while endeavouring
to fumble away as well as he can, and to prolong the minute of his execution! But
at last, when he has looked, when he has wished, when he has desired, and done whatever
he can, the blow with the axe, or turn with the ladder, is his lot, so he goes off
the scaffold, so he goes from among men; and thus it will be with those that we have
under consideration; when all comes to all, and they have said, and wished, and done
what they can, the judgment must not be reversed, they must lie down in sorrow.
They must, or shall lie down! Of old, when a man was to be chastised for his fault,
he was to lie down to receive his stripes; so here, saith the Lord, they shall lie
down. And it shall be, if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten, that the judge shall
cause him to lie down, and to be beaten before his face (Deu 25:2). And this lying
down was to be his lot after he had pleaded for himself what be could, and the judge
shall cause him to be beaten before his face, while he is present to behold the execution
of judgment; and thus it shall be at the end of the world; the wicked shall lie down,
and shall be beaten with many stripes in the presence of Christ, and in the presence
of the holy angels (2 Thess 1; Rev 14:10). For there will be His presence, not only
at the trial as Judge, but to see execution done, nay, to do it Himself by the pouring
out, like a river, His wrath as burning brimstone upon the soul of the lost and cast
away sinner.
He shall lie down! These words imply that, at last, the damned soul shall submit;
for to lie down is an act that signifies submission, especially to lie down to be
beaten. The wicked shall be silent in darkness (1 Sam 2:9). When the malefactor has
said and wished all that be can, yet at last he submits, is silent, and, as it were,
helps to put his head into the halter, or doth lay down his neck upon the block;
so here it is said of the damned. They shall lie down in sorrow. There is also a
place that saith, These shall go away into everlasting punishment (Matt 25:46). To
go, to go to punishment, is also an act of submission. Now, submission to punishment
doth, or should, flow from full conviction of the merit of punishment; and I think
it is so to be understood here For every mouth shall be stopped, and all the world
(of soul losers) become guilty before God (Rom 3:4,19; Luke 13:25-28; Matt 25:46).
Every mouth shall be stopped, not at the beginning of the judgment, for then they
plead, and pray, and also object against the Judge; but at the end, after that by
a judicial proceeding He shall have justified against them His sayings, and have
overcome these His judges, then they shall submit, and also lie down in sorrow; yea,
they shall go away to their punishment as those who know they deserve it; yea, they
shall go away with silence.
How they shall behave themselves in hell, I will not here dispute; whether in a way
of rage and blasphemy, and in rending and tearing of the name and just actions of
God towards them, or whether by way of submission there; I say, though this is none
of this task, yet a word or two, if you please.
Doubtless they will not be mute there; they will cry and wail, and gnash their teeth,
and, perhaps, too, sometimes at God; but I do not think but that the justice that
they have deserved, and the equal administration of it upon them, will, for the most
part, prevail with them to rend and tear themselves, to acquit and justify God, and
to add fuel to their fire, by concluding themselves in all the fault, and that they
have sufficiently merited this just damnation; for it would seem strange to me that
just judgment among men shall terminate in this issue, if God should not justify
himself in the conscience of all the damned. But as here on earth, so He will let
them know that go to hell that He hath not done without a cause, a sufficient cause,
all that He hath done in damning of them (Eze 14:23).