T H E By J O H N.B U N Y A N, A Servant of the Lord's Christ. 1665. Written from Bedford Prison. |
hough this be a small treatise, yet it doth present thee with
things of the greatest and most weighty concernment, even with a discourse of life
and death to eternity: opening, and clearing, by the scriptures of God, that the
time is at hand, when, there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just
and unjust; even of the bodies of both, from the graves where they are, or shall
be, at the approach of that day.
Thou hast also in these few lines, the order and manner of the rising of these two
sorts of people, wherein is shewed thee with what body they shall then rise, as also
their states and condition at this day, with great clearness.
For here thou shalt see the truth, and manner of the terrible judgment, the opening
of the books, the examining of witnesses, with a final conclusion upon good and bad.
Which, I hope will be profitable to thy soul that shall read it. For if thou art
godly, then here is that which will, through God's blessing, encourage thee to go
on in the faith of the truth of the gospel; but if thou art ungodly, then here thou
mayst meet with conviction: yea, and that of what will be, without fail, thy end,
at the end of the world: whether thou continue in thy sins, or repent. If thou continue
in them, blackness, and darkness, and everlasting destruction; but if thou repent,
and believe the gospel, then light, and life, and joy, and comfort, and glory, and
happiness, and that to eternity.
Wherefore let me here beg these things at thy hand,
First, That thou take heed of that spirit of mockery that saith, "Where is the
promise of his coming?" (2 Peter 3:4,5).
Secondly, Take heed that thy heart be not overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness,
and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon thee unawares (Luke 21:34,35).
Thirdly, But be diligent in making thy calling and election sure; that thou in the
day, of which thou shalt read more in this book, be not found without that glorious
righteousness that will then stand thee in stead, and present thee before his glorious
presence, with exceeding joy. To him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, world
without end. Amen.